Summer School welcomes Vesko Garčević, Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy at the Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies
Since July 2016, ambassador Vesko Garčević has been teaching as a Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations at the Frederick S.Pardee School of Global Studies, at Boston University. Courses Taught at Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies: Diplomatic Practice; Diplomacy and International Negotiations; Intercultural Communication; The Balkans between the EU and Russia; Peace Keeping Operations and State Building. During his diplomatic career, he held important positions at the challenging political time of the dissolution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and democratic transition of Montenegro. From January 2015 through June 2016, Garcevic was General Director for NATO and Security Policy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro and National Coordinator for NATO. He was a Montenegrin Ambassador to NATO from 2010 to 2014 as well as a bilateral Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. After Montenegro regained independence in 2006, he served as the first Montenegrin Ambassador to Austria and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He published numerous Op-Eds in media from Europe and the US. He co-authored several policy reports about the Balkans and Montenegro published by US and European think tanks and research institutions. Garčević testified before the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (June 2017) and the European Parliament (December 2018) on Russia’s interference in Montenegro and the Balkans affairs.