B/Vlog for the Future
Short summary: B/Vlog for the Future offers you an opportunity to share your thoughts, views and experience on the intersection of international relations, cohesion and sustainable development. Also, it can help you expand your network of professional peers and influence public narrative on the topic. This activity is organised in the frameworks of the programme for young diplomats within the initiative “Dialogue for the Future” (DFF).
Eligibility: Alumni of the programme organised within DFF initiative devoted to young diplomats and civil servants from Montenegro engaged in international relations.
Theme: Dialogue for a cohesive and sustainable world.
Categories: Blog or Vlog.
Specific topics: You can write blog post or record short video, covering one or more of the topics covered during the face-to-face and online workshops during the programme (social cohesion, intercultural communication, international cooperation, multilateralism, infodemics, identities) or any other topic that you believe might contribute to a narrative on cohesive and sustainable world.
Guidelines for the Blog:
A) Language: Montenegrin/Serbian/ Bosnian/ Croatian/English
B) Length: Max 1000 words
C) Have a clear understanding of your audience (national/regional/international community of young professionals engaged in the international affairs, wider public, etc).
D) Blog should be founded on your personal touch, your opinions and thoughts. Write your blog in order to express your point of view.
E) Use a title, introduction, body and conclusion.
F) Compelling titles and introductions make your readers want to read your blog right away.
G) Organise your body text to be easy to follow i.e. add subtitles, bullets, etc. Check facts and add sources where applicable.
H) Add conclusion with a clear call to action.
I) Review your work before submitting.
Guidelines for the Vlog:
A) Length: 60-120 seconds
B) Language: Montenegrin/Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian/English
C) Have a clear understanding of your audience (national/regional/international community of young professionals engaged in the international affairs, wider public, etc).
D) Vlog should be founded on your personal touch, your opinions and thoughts. Record your vlog in order to express your point of view.
E) Practice talking to the camera. Always look into the lens. Record your vlog in the picturesque surrounding.
F) Include a Captivating Intro and Outro.
G) Be interesting. Be confident. Smile.
H) Add conclusion with a clear call to action.
I) Quality is important, but it’s second to the story.
Deadline: Until October 6th, 2020 B/Vlog should be posted at the Discussion board at the web portal www.youngdiplomats.me. Make sure to have login details on time. For more information visit: https://youngdiplomats.me/forums/
Selection and awards:
Jury composed of one representative from the each of the following: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro, United Nations Development Programme in Montenegro and speakers of the DFF programme will review B/Vlog posts and select the best blog and the best vlog.
Best B/Vlog will be published on the www.youngdiplomats.me blog page and UNDP social media channels. Also, authors will be awarded tablet computer that will empower them to continue blogging and vlogging in the future.
We will be thrilled to see you participating!
Contact: If you have any questions please write to us at [email protected] and we will be happy to respond.