Dialogue for the Future
Young diplomats and civil servants engaged in foreign affairs and international relations from different government institutions in Montenegro discussed importance of intercultural communication in the global world, earlier this year in Bar.
The workshop was organized by Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro in cooperation with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro as one of the activities within the regional initiative Dialogue for the future (DFF), jointly implemented by UN teams and relevant institutions in Montenegro, Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Hercegovina, which aims to create additional space for constructive dialog between citizens, community, citizens and decision makers, thus promoting social cohesion, trust and respect for diversity. The programme is funded by United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF).
The workshop put specific focus on communication skills, understanding importance of cultural identities in shaping attitudes and perceptions, both individually and in/between groups, as well globally, understanding cultural diversity and looking at contemporary challenges for social cohesion and cooperation.
The discussion has been continued through a series of webinars, exploring intercultural nuances of diplomacy, international cooperation for contemporary global challenges and similar. The dialogue and engagement of young diplomats will also be facilitated through the portal www.youngdiplomats.me, which was supported through DFF initiative.
Dialogue will be very much needed in order to shape the future.
For more information about the Dialogue for the future initiatives please visit: www.me.undp.org/content/montenegro/en/home/projects/DFF.html